Sunday, January 20, 2013

Busy with Pain

Here lately I haven't blogged much. I've been busy with my ethics in psychology class. Instructor must not like the letter A. He's an asshole.

I've been really stressed out too. I had my disability hearing last week. It went very well and my legal assistant thinks I won my case. I have so many medical issues I'm coping with.

I found out recently that I have something wrong with the nerve that runs from my lower back down my right leg. Its not called sciatica. I also have calcifications in my pelvis.

So I have a great pain management doctor. He's giving me Tramadol but it doesn't help much. The pain in my right hip becomes excruciating and it affects my ability to walk :( . That sucks monkey balls. I wish I could be pain free for just one day.

Its so frustrating. Sometimes I cry because I know I'll never get better.  Its very depressing. I sometimes talk to my aunt and my dad about how I'm feeling. I don't complain too much because I already feel like I'm becoming a burden to my family, especially my children. I need so much help with house cleaning and grocery shopping.

I hate to even think what I will be like 10 years from now when I will be almost 50. Will I be in a wheelchair? My pain management doctor wants to test me for MS. I have diabetic neuropathy but my neurological pain is behaving like MS. I am always tired and have moderate to severe fatigue.

Anyways. I just hope I can get better pain meds when I go to pain management this month.

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