Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Boston Red Sox Win the World Series!!

WTFG #BostonRedSox for winning the World Series & bringing it home!!! #BostonProud #BostonStrong baby!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Shit Carol Says: Kids

People should HAVE to pass an IQ test & mental evaluation before having kids!!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Navigators Banned- Florida Health Deaprtments

Foot Injury Update

So some of readers know that back in July I fell on my left foot, breaking my 5th metatarsal, tearing my peroneus brevis tendon and spraining my ankle. Just last Monday I had an MRI and Wednesday I found out the true extent of the damage in my foot! It is NOT good news!

I broke the 5th metatarsal, tore the peroneus brevis tendon, tore the peroneus longus tendon, and over stretched the tendon on the inside of my left foot. It is horrible. I will be needing surgery. So far what the doctor says is that I will need that metarsal planed and then the tendons reattached to that bone. Might even need tendon repair as well on the peroneus tendons. Possibly the one on the inside of my foot. I am being referred to a surgeon to have surgery on my foot.

I have been in a walking since the middle of July and it is driving me nuts. I am fed up. And now having surgery, I cannot go to work and I will be stuck in this boot most likely until January or February, depending on when I have the surgery. Dafuq am I gonna do? Life sucks right now!!

Twunt of the Week

This weeks twunt of the week: Josh Freeman. Bitch you got cut from the Tampa Bay Bucs because you suck!! Get with the program and be a QB not a RB!